Which specialism to choose?


Posted Jul 27, 2010, 2:17 am
I've been training my SS Scouting scout (too many scouts lol) in driving since she capped her scouting ability. I'm approaching her first specialism in driving. I was thinking of taking defensive driving as the first and then switch to death racer if she makes it that far. Thought anybody?

Skills & Abilities
Strength 23
Dexterity 62
Speed 55
Leadership 70
Courage 60
Driving 45 (38)
Gunnery 10
Scouting 108 *
Mechanic 11
* Maximum potential has been reached in this skill.

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 2:22 am
I think the def driver then deathracer is a fine plan, though jumpstart and then deathracer makes for a fine fighter for pro arena events.

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 2:24 am
I would probably do something like that (the original post that is, Simon got in there while I was typing and may make this confusing), followed by reload in motion.

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 2:50 am
Thanks for the input. I tend to put throw away gangers in the death racing/combat leagues as they're loss if they have a...mishap. She's strictly a scouting character and I figured I'd fine tune her for dogfighting.
Groove Champion

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 2:50 am
defensive driver followed by deathracer is usually what I choose. It gives you a reliable driver who can also shoot support weapons (side/rear guns) in a pinch.

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 5:49 am
Offensive Driver - Make every race a deathrace!

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 6:16 am
I'd been going for 2 or 3 levels of Defensive Driver - is that too much? Does the benefit reduce with each level?
*goat starer*

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 9:35 am
at 108 wht you have is a utility scout... easily good enough to take small travels between all the towns on the map...

so they will mostly be running around...

deathracer is pointless for this... reload in motion 1 is pointless if you are running as you should be going too fast... i would take 2 levels of defensive driver
Crazy AL

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 4:29 pm
goat starer said:
at 108 wht you have is a utility scout... easily good enough to take small travels between all the towns on the map...

so they will mostly be running around...

deathracer is pointless for this... reload in motion 1 is pointless if you are running as you should be going too fast...  i would take 2 levels of defensive driver

For a scout, I second this!
Groove Champion

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 4:37 pm
For a scout yes... for a combat driver (the role assigned to my drivers capped below 110) deathracer is a solid choice.
Joel Autobaun

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 4:47 pm
any good scout can also shoot an MML rear, so DR is better than a 2nd defense driver(this spec gets less benefit each time you take it).

Shooting someone with an MML slows them down, you only have to hit once typically. I can say that I have defense X2 and I have /DRdefense drivers and either one can run away just fine, but in an ambush I want the DEATHRACER.

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 5:57 pm
Yes she's strictly for scouting, not runs of any sort. I have 9 scouts total and 2 capped below 100 which I uses for SS-Elms and local camp runs. I'll keep the other options in mind for those two guys. :)

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 7:17 pm
Musclecar driver = Deathracer
Suv/Buzzer Driver = Defensive driver

That equation is really simple, and don't bother with reload in motion, in my opinion anyway, as typically your going faster than 30mph in a muscle/light vehicle anyway.
*goat starer*

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 9:48 pm
Joel Autobaun said:
any good scout can also shoot an MML rear, so DR is better than a 2nd defense driver(this spec gets less benefit each time you take it).

Shooting someone with an MML slows them down, you only have to hit once typically.  I can say that I have defense X2 and I have /DRdefense drivers and either one can run away just fine, but in an ambush I want the DEATHRACER.

yeah but at 108 this scout will get ambushed sometimes... 2x dd can save you

Posted Jul 27, 2010, 10:28 pm
I'd agree with the overall concensus here.

If you're sure the ganger is strictly to drive unarmed vehicles around on travel missions, go defensive driver all the way.

If you might ever put them in a position to shoot a gun, go for DD and DR, in some order.

In the long run, after you reach your gang size limit, plan on replacing these low-capping gangers with folks you can make more versatile to use in any situation.

I've hit this point and I'm cross training quite a bit.

I'm working toward all my drivers being scouts and scouts being drivers, with 1 level in DD and DR, and at least one weapon skill up to 50 for a weapons spec.

Posted Jul 28, 2010, 4:51 am
FF said:
That equation is really simple, and don't bother with reload in motion, in my opinion anyway, as typically your going faster than 30mph in a muscle/light vehicle anyway.

With Rapid Reload as well, on a gat, you can do one pass, turn around some cover while reloading, the next pass you have full guns again. Beats switching gunners to reload in a 2 seater. The spec might be best spent elsewhere, but it does work ok.
