Wrong Repair Times

*Dark Tempest*

Posted Jul 24, 2010, 3:17 am
If a perma damaged weapon gets damaged, and you try to repair it, it gives the repair time to 100%, not the percent that it actually gets repaired to.


My 3.2 V8 was perma damaged to 96%. It got damaged to 90%. The ETA on a repair was 10 hours, but when it was repaired, it only went to 94%, and only took 2 hours.

Posted Jul 26, 2010, 7:11 pm
I found a similar problem and it's repeatable.

I repaired a 36% 3.2V8 and then tried a 23% 3.2 V8. I repaired each it and it stated 100% for the repair and gave a time of about 3 days to fix for each. IF you hit the back button on the browser once or twice (I forget) the engines were now repaired to 96% and 94% respectively. Also though the repair time was instant and they were fully repaired and ready to only seconds after starting the repair.

Posted Jul 26, 2010, 7:34 pm
Nice Avatar upgrayedd.

Posted Jul 26, 2010, 9:09 pm
Thanks, I've been thinking of changing my gang name to it. :)

Ok now back to bugs :p
