How low can you go?, Extremly Poor Sportsmanship


Posted Mar 28, 2010, 2:48 am
Joel and I have some poor history, but this is the most childish thing I have ever seen in darkwind, and extremely poor sportsmanship, I didn't expect anyone, not even Joel, to go this low...

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4475/screenshot00321331.pngID 91502

That is Joel, firing heavy rockets, into my BPU... when we are on the same TEAM, I lost two toes, but no mortal injuries happened, they very well could have... He then proceeded to trying to hit my car even further by aiming behind my car throughout the rest of the match.

This stuff just shouldn't be allowed, not is it only working around the anti friendly fire stuff in place, its also detrimental to the whole team.
*Dark Tempest*

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 2:51 am
hit my car even further by aiming behind my car


I think that my quote has been changed. ;)

In other news, this is as in game, gang vs. gang as it gets. The only person taking this outside of the RP is Firefly.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 2:58 am
Sooo... you think it is perfectly acceptable to fire heavy rockets into your teammates bottom armor?

And very funny, point out a small typo, you want a cookie? :rolleyes:
Joel Autobaun

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:04 am
FireFly said:
Joel and I have some poor history, but this is the most childish thing I have ever seen in darkwind, and extremely poor sportsmanship, I didn't expect anyone, not even Joel, to go this low...

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4475/screenshot00321331.pngID 91502

That is Joel, firing heavy rockets, into my BPU... when we are on the same TEAM, I lost two toes, but no mortal injuries happened, they very well could have... He then proceeded to trying to hit my car even further by aiming behind my car throughout the rest of the match.

This stuff just shouldn't be allowed, not is it only working around the anti friendly fire stuff in place, its also detrimental to the whole team.

And- I won't stop.
Lord Foul

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:05 am
Considering your past with him, you should never trust him even if he was on the same team as you. Revenge is never over until there is nothing left of the other guy or until both parties are no longer able to fight.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:06 am
What LF said.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:11 am
ditto what LF said

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:23 am
Sigh, I just think its really silly, if he wants to fight me that bad, why don't he just attack my lorries or something, my PvP flag has been on since we got them :stare:

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:32 am
No seriously, that is plain bullying guys. Specially Dark - that was so uncalled for. I've seen people spell far worse, not everyone has english as their main language.

Not that I want to be on FF's side in this little war of yours or his friend or anything but all this mental ganging up on him is pretty low.

You don't like him, mess him up ingame. Backstab, PVP, put bounties or whatever but I really think people should take a step back and chill, it's a game and hopefully some of you guys are grown up adults.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:39 am
The only person doing anything remotely bully-like here was Dark, Dji.

The others are simply stating facts. FireFly brought these in game attacks on himself, through his own actions.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:46 am
Definitely not taking sides here, but it sounds like an in game grudge to me, which (if played out correctly, as in IN GAME between the gangs and not the players) could prove very entertaining and fun! I've actually wanted to have an IN GAME grudge for some time, but I'm too friendly with most people here. :)

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:59 am
That is a pretty cool screenshot.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 4:02 am
Yeah, Once I got past that it was my own car, I thought so to longo :rolleyes:

And serephe, I don't think I had it comin' as much as Joel has the temper of a 2 year old who just got his first taste of candy.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 4:06 am
See, comments like that make you just as bad as Dark.

You did something in game to injure Joel's gang members, that's certain. You blamed it on you being new. You should stop making excuses and just accept the consequences to your actions.

Either get revenge, or let it drop. :stare:

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 4:10 am
Actually, the first spark was me "Trying" to injure him way back when I was new, and he's killed a couple my people in deathraces and arenas since then, often when they were shot unconscious entire laps before.

So, I took revenge during the PvP league, killed one of his, when we fought on equal terms, getting equal, so to say, my issue is that he cant stomach a fair fight, and instead goes to rely on friendly fire...

And actually, he really has that sort of temper B)

Gotta sleep, but I will say this, Temper and atitudes aside, If I ever kill someone, its either a (un)lucky shot, or when someone pisses me of, even then, it will only be in a fair fight, that's why I think firing on someone on your team is a despicable act.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 4:41 am
I was in the event, and I was surprised that Joel did that. I thought it was a pretty low move as well.
However unlike the arena, I wasnt around to see Joel and FF's bad history. As a post-apocolypse game, this is something that wouldn't look out of place happening.
Joel Autobaun

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 4:46 am
My gang is willing to trade all the money, vehicles, blood and even all accumulated honour to make your gangs life hell, FF.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 4:57 am
I'll poke his eye out for a Buzzer... :p

Seriously though, I'm not sure what to say on this. I haven't been around long enough to see the rivalry between players. Mostly what I've seen is all in good humor, like Serephe always wanting to PvP gank someone. It's been said with a smile or laugh, maybe an evil laugh, but still... most of the time it's all in good fun.

Personally, I have been in a few situations where I wanted to do the same and intentionally blast the crap out of someone on my own team. I just didn't do it because I was afraid of the backlash and being shunned from future scouts. If you've got the balls to use friendly fire on purpose, then by all means do it. But don't be surprised if you are no longer allowed in certain events.

Nothing against either Joel or FF, as I have not personally had a negative issue with either. But I would hope that you two can come to some sort of "arrangement" or settle this in other ways. I know for sure that I will never join any event in which you are both on my team, I don't want to risk being caught in the cross-fire.

So which one of you two is Kim Jong Il?

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 11:47 am
Joel Autobaun said:
My gang is willing to trade all the money, vehicles, blood and even all accumulated honour to make your gangs life hell, FF.

That pretty much lets a person know what they can expect.

You have a mortal enemy Firefly. If you don't want to be on the business end of his rockets, avoid joining events he is in.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 12:27 pm
The two most annoying gangs in dark wind want to duke it out? :thinking:

Shrug :rolleyes:

how are the sock monkeys not winners out of this

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 12:57 pm
"Whoever loses, we win"
Mad Mike

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 1:58 pm
This is an exploit of the team killing rule created by sam when he took away targeting of teammates and took away targeting the ground around your teammate to get around no0t being able to target them.

sorry joel but you used an exploit and I dont at all like to see team killing back as an issue.

we had this issue about a year ago. it was settled that DW would not allow team killing. TKing kills games, really.

It is also a way around the new PvP rules. I'd hate to see further restrictions to the game to stop these exploits but seeing what happened with the custom events exploit we need to have stupid restrictions to stop actions because players cannot regulate themselves..

*goat starer*

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 1:59 pm
i think it is funny
Mad Mike

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 2:35 pm
It starts out that way.. a hit to laugh but then it spreads to others who do it just for fun...

TKing kills games

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:08 pm
Well, least mike got why this annoys me so much...

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:21 pm
it is fun and actually a part of the game having gang turns up to you if you annoy them; even npc does that in events - but team killing should have been restricted only to non - eea event. so the question is: was that a non eea race?

if it was, well, probably that may escalate to a problem if everyone starts to exploit team kills for their own agenda.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:24 pm
It was a Pro team arena combat in SS

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 3:51 pm
TK was taken out primarily due to an entirely unsavoury incident in a scout to circumvent PvP restrictions around SS, must be nearly two years ago. In all aspects, there is a world of difference between what happened then and what has just happened.

Please don't mess anymore with it, it actually takes a degree of effort and skill to line a shot up like that - leave those with grudges some means of getting their own back. After all, it's not like it is a huge surprise that Joel had a pop at you is it?

Or, if you do want it changed then we should really consider removing all area effect weapons - just in case.
Groove Champion

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 4:45 pm
Joel, please PM me next time.

I want to help.
Joel Autobaun

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 5:37 pm
Mad Mike said:
This is an exploit of the team killing rule created by sam when he took away targeting of teammates and took away targeting the ground around your teammate to get around no0t being able to target them.

sorry joel but you used an exploit and I dont at all like to see team killing back as an issue.

we had this issue about a year ago.  it was settled that DW would not allow team killing.  TKing kills games, really.

It is also a way around the new PvP rules.  I'd hate to see further restrictions to the game to stop these exploits but seeing what happened with the custom events exploit we need to have stupid restrictions to stop actions because players cannot regulate themselves..

Now my only regret is not putting William "Zerk-Jerk" Barker in it, as this would be the 3rd code change from pissing and moaning he'd have caused.

I was going to join that Pro combat for the usual semi-serious non lethal(usually) fun we all go for. 

FF Joined at the last min and you bet your bottom dollar he would have pounded my guys to dust if he had a chance.  I knew it and he knew it.  The difference is, he thought he couldn't kill me on his team.  Now he knows better.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 10:35 pm
FireFly said:
If I ever kill someone, its either a (un)lucky shot, or when someone pisses me of, even then, it will only be in a fair fight...

Neither of those applied when you tried to kill Rachel Hayward and the rest of her crew while they were unconscious in my vehicle. You used several other excuses though, none of which withstood any scrutiny.

The only reason you never had to pay for that is the lack of PvP or ways to enact revenge in SS. If such things were open, you'd have more than Joel to worry about.

TKing should allowed IMO but not without consequences. Otherwise people can get away with stuff with little to no consequences.

Posted Mar 28, 2010, 10:54 pm
Can you feel the love in this thread :rolleyes:

Posted Mar 29, 2010, 10:51 am
Sock feels considerably less bad about gunning down FFs ped in the wrecked and running event now :p

Posted Mar 29, 2010, 11:18 am
4saken said:
FireFly said:
If I ever kill someone, its either a (un)lucky shot, or when someone pisses me of, even then, it will only be in a fair fight...

Neither of those applied when you tried to kill Rachel Hayward and the rest of her crew while they were unconscious in my vehicle. You used several other excuses though, none of which withstood any scrutiny.

The only reason you never had to pay for that is the lack of PvP or ways to enact revenge in SS. If such things were open, you'd have more than Joel to worry about.

TKing should allowed IMO but not without consequences. Otherwise people can get away with stuff with little to no consequences.
How long are you going to harp on that, it was over 3 months ago, and I already explained what happened, you just refuse to listen to me.

johnnynever said:
Sock feels considerably less bad about gunning down FFs ped in the wrecked and running event now  :p
To be fair, I killed one of your with a shot to the head in the same event, remember?  ;)

Posted Mar 29, 2010, 12:13 pm
Yes it was very annoying that I had to shoot your unconcious ganger like six times to kill him....

...then his buddy shoots my toon like once and his head explodes - WTF


still it's difficult for you to maintain hurt innocence while at the same time bragging about your killing exploits isn't it?

Posted Mar 29, 2010, 12:43 pm
johnnynever said:
still it's difficult for you to maintain hurt innocence while at the same time bragging about your killing exploits isn't it?

I'm just sayin' ... :)

Posted Mar 29, 2010, 1:01 pm
*jimmylogan* said:
johnnynever said:
still it's difficult for you to maintain hurt innocence while at the same time bragging about your killing exploits isn't it?

I'm just sayin' ... :)
Were did I claim that I were innocent?
I just think what joel did was very very low, and I would never do friendly fire, now, if he were on the opposing team however...  :stare:
*goat starer*

Posted Mar 29, 2010, 1:27 pm
FF... far as i'm concerned this incessant whingeing in the forums is signing your own death warrant. I dont have a lot left to do in this game... so i have no fear about throwing my best gangers and kit at you along with joel and a whole bunch of other people.

If you have any guts you will make that nice and easy by accepting a squad challenge... if not i will have to waste hours trying to use our creaking pvp system to hunt you down. :cyclops:
Groove Champion

Posted Mar 29, 2010, 2:56 pm
goat starer said:
FF... far as i'm concerned this incessant whingeing in the forums is signing your own death warrant

Add "incessant lobby bragging" to the list of offenses.
