(subject to change)
Phase Details
1: Races
  • Website
  • 2D/3D artwork for racetracks, vehicles
  • Game servers databases
  • 3D turn-based multiplayer gameplay for racing
  • Players and spectators
  • Purchase, design & upgrade of cars
  • AI drivers/teams
  • Race scheduling system
  • GameMaster (GM) players
  • Daily update daemons
2: Battles
  • Combat
  • 2D/3D artwork for arenas, characters on foot, hand/car weapons
  • Addition of combat leagues and hybrid race/combat (deathrace) leagues
3: World (Partially Complete)
  • Strategic (long-term) planning and gameplay - wilderness encounters, etc. (complete)
  • Trading
  • Economic simulation (complete)
  • NPC gangs (complete)
  • Addition of new vehicles - trucks, cycles, trikes
  • Weather - 'darkwind' storms
  • Illness
4: Property
  • Player ownership of property
  • Scheduling of NPC/player attacks on NPC/player property
  • Resource management & production
5: Additional
  • Scheduling of one-off PvP 'grudge' battles in arenas or wilderness
  • Hire of NPC mercenaries
  • Contracts from NPCs - bodyguard, courier, etc. - enforced by game engine
  • Reputation and factions system
  • Mutants
  • Psionics - i) personal enhancement effects, ii) mind-attack effects, iii) some very rare more powerful physical attacks
  • Performance-enhancing drugs - short term e.g. amphetamines, longer term e.g. steroids; side-effects/addiction & withdrawal effects