Andrew 'ANAL PROBER' Atkins
Personal Details
General HealthGood
Skills & Abilities
Large Guns550-560
Hand Guns450-460
First Aid100-120
Pathfinder Special Skill
Negotiator Special Skill Level 10
Reload In Motion Special Skill Level 3
Jury Rigging Special Skill Level 10
Sniper Special Skill Level 18
Rapid Reloading Special Skill Level 2
Machine Guns Special Skill
Moving Targets Special Skill Level 5
Deathracer Special Skill Level 10
Salvager Special Skill
Courage Under Fire Special Skill Level 3
Eye of the Hurricane Special Skill
Rapidshot Special Skill Level 5
Rocketeer Special Skill
Heavy Weapons Special Skill Level 5
Ballistic Prediction Special Skill Level 3
Motivator Special Skill Level 18
Combat Psychologist Special Skill Level 2
Defensive Driver Special Skill
Pragmatist Special Skill
Offensive Driver Special Skill Level 4
Adrenalin Junkie Special Skill
Public Biography
recruited by `platinum`
best, driver from fl on dec 2100

started training as a scout between shantville camps until going to firelight in dec 21, trained in firelight until he wnnt to elms in aug 22, then went from elms to morgan in jan 23.

21-02-16 Recruited by GO FORNICATE YERSELF
21-03-05 Received a nickname
21-03-09 Advanced to level 1 Pathfinder specialism
21-04-12 Advanced to level 1 Negotiator specialism
21-04-12 Advanced to level 2 Negotiator specialism
21-04-28 Advanced to level 3 Negotiator specialism
21-04-28 Advanced to level 1 Reload In Motion specialism
21-05-17 Advanced to level 4 Negotiator specialism
21-06-17 Advanced to level 1 Jury Rigging specialism
21-06-29 Advanced to level 1 Sniper specialism
21-06-30 Advanced to level 2 Jury Rigging specialism
21-07-23 Advanced to level 3 Jury Rigging specialism
21-08-01 Advanced to level 2 Sniper specialism
21-08-05 Advanced to level 5 Negotiator specialism
21-08-30 Advanced to level 6 Negotiator specialism
21-09-17 Advanced to level 7 Negotiator specialism
21-10-01 Advanced to level 2 Reload In Motion specialism
21-10-06 Advanced to level 8 Negotiator specialism
21-10-22 Advanced to level 9 Negotiator specialism
21-11-12 Advanced to level 10 Negotiator specialism
21-11-18 Advanced to level 1 Rapid Reloading specialism
21-12-17 Advanced to level 2 Rapid Reloading specialism
21-12-24 Advanced to level 3 Sniper specialism
21-12-30 Advanced to level 4 Jury Rigging specialism
21-12-31 Advanced to level 1 Machine Guns specialism
22-01-11 Advanced to level 4 Sniper specialism
22-01-12 Advanced to level 1 Moving Targets specialism
22-01-12 Advanced to level 5 Jury Rigging specialism
22-01-21 Advanced to level 1 Deathracer specialism
22-02-10 Advanced to level 5 Sniper specialism
22-02-12 Advanced to level 1 Salvager specialism
22-02-13 Advanced to level 1 Courage Under Fire specialism
22-02-14 Advanced to level 1 Eye of the Hurricane specialism
22-02-26 Advanced to level 1 Rapidshot specialism
2022-02-26 Lost two toes
22-03-05 Advanced to level 1 Rocketeer specialism
22-03-17 Advanced to level 6 Jury Rigging specialism
22-03-24 Advanced to level 1 Heavy Weapons specialism
22-04-01 Advanced to level 6 Sniper specialism
22-04-04 Advanced to level 7 Sniper specialism
22-05-21 Advanced to level 8 Sniper specialism
22-05-24 Advanced to level 7 Jury Rigging specialism
22-06-02 Advanced to level 9 Sniper specialism
22-06-05 Advanced to level 1 Ballistic Prediction specialism
22-06-20 Advanced to level 8 Jury Rigging specialism
22-06-26 Advanced to level 10 Sniper specialism
22-07-01 Advanced to level 11 Sniper specialism
22-07-20 Advanced to level 3 Reload In Motion specialism
22-07-26 Advanced to level 12 Sniper specialism
22-07-28 Advanced to level 2 Moving Targets specialism
22-08-14 Advanced to level 9 Jury Rigging specialism
22-08-17 Advanced to level 2 Rapidshot specialism
22-08-19 Advanced to level 3 Rapidshot specialism
22-08-21 Advanced to level 1 Motivator specialism
22-08-25 Advanced to level 2 Motivator specialism
22-09-04 Advanced to level 3 Moving Targets specialism
22-09-05 Advanced to level 3 Motivator specialism
22-09-25 Advanced to level 4 Motivator specialism
22-10-10 Advanced to level 5 Motivator specialism
22-10-14 Advanced to level 1 Combat Psychologist specialism
22-11-12 Advanced to level 6 Motivator specialism
22-12-16 Advanced to level 2 Combat Psychologist specialism
23-01-03 Advanced to level 7 Motivator specialism
23-01-10 Advanced to level 2 Heavy Weapons specialism
23-01-13 Advanced to level 13 Sniper specialism
2023-01-16 Injury: torn muscle and tendons in lower leg
23-02-17 Advanced to level 14 Sniper specialism
23-02-21 Advanced to level 3 Heavy Weapons specialism
23-02-22 Advanced to level 1 Defensive Driver specialism
23-02-24 Advanced to level 10 Jury Rigging specialism
23-02-25 Advanced to level 8 Motivator specialism
23-03-08 Advanced to level 1 Pragmatist specialism
23-03-30 Advanced to level 4 Heavy Weapons specialism
23-03-31 Advanced to level 15 Sniper specialism
23-04-15 Advanced to level 9 Motivator specialism
23-05-03 Advanced to level 5 Heavy Weapons specialism
23-05-12 Advanced to level 16 Sniper specialism
23-05-24 Advanced to level 10 Motivator specialism
23-05-26 Advanced to level 17 Sniper specialism
23-06-21 Advanced to level 1 Offensive Driver specialism
23-07-11 Advanced to level 11 Motivator specialism
23-07-11 Advanced to level 18 Sniper specialism
23-07-11 Advanced to level 2 Ballistic Prediction specialism
23-07-28 Advanced to level 3 Ballistic Prediction specialism
23-08-14 Advanced to level 4 Rapidshot specialism
23-08-18 Advanced to level 2 Courage Under Fire specialism
23-09-05 Advanced to level 12 Motivator specialism
23-09-06 Advanced to level 4 Moving Targets specialism
23-09-19 Advanced to level 1 Adrenalin Junkie specialism
23-09-29 Advanced to level 5 Moving Targets specialism
23-10-27 Advanced to level 5 Rapidshot specialism
23-11-03 Advanced to level 2 Deathracer specialism
23-11-11 Advanced to level 13 Motivator specialism
23-12-15 Advanced to level 3 Deathracer specialism
2023-12-19 Injury: heavy fleshwound to stomach
24-01-08 Advanced to level 14 Motivator specialism
24-01-26 Advanced to level 4 Deathracer specialism
24-03-08 Advanced to level 5 Deathracer specialism
24-03-27 Advanced to level 15 Motivator specialism
24-04-12 Advanced to level 6 Deathracer specialism
24-05-24 Advanced to level 7 Deathracer specialism
24-05-28 Advanced to level 3 Courage Under Fire specialism
24-06-05 Advanced to level 16 Motivator specialism
24-06-28 Advanced to level 8 Deathracer specialism
24-07-09 Advanced to level 9 Deathracer specialism
24-08-07 Advanced to level 17 Motivator specialism
24-08-09 Advanced to level 10 Deathracer specialism
24-09-13 Advanced to level 2 Offensive Driver specialism
24-10-25 Advanced to level 3 Offensive Driver specialism
24-11-06 Advanced to level 18 Motivator specialism
24-11-29 Advanced to level 4 Offensive Driver specialism
Two missing toes