Age | 39 |
Gender | Male |
General Health | Good |
Strength | 40-60 |
Dexterity | 40-60 |
Speed | 40-60 |
Leadership | 420-450 |
Courage | 210-240 |
Driving | 160-170 |
Gunnery | 370-380 |
Large Guns | 320-330 |
Ballistics | 330-340 |
Hand Guns | 340-350 |
Scouting | 60-80 |
Mechanic | 360-380 |
First Aid | 340-360 |
Jury Rigging Special Skill Level 6 |
Field First Aid Special Skill Level 7 |
Sniper Special Skill Level 12 |
Rapid Reloading Special Skill Level 2 |
Reload In Motion Special Skill Level 2 |
Machine Guns Special Skill |
Salvager Special Skill |
Rapidshot Special Skill Level 4 |
Deathracer Special Skill |
Moving Targets Special Skill Level 3 |
Eye of the Hurricane Special Skill |
Combat Psychologist Special Skill Level 4 |
Courage Under Fire Special Skill |
Heavy Weapons Special Skill |
Rocketeer Special Skill |
Pathfinder Special Skill |
id=2813078 recruited by `Platinum` driver from elms on march 2099 str=46,45,42, specs=48 cap=371 pay=5,950
20-09-19 Recruited by GO FORNICATE YERSELF 20-09-28 Received a nickname 20-09-29 Advanced to level 1 Jury Rigging specialism 20-10-12 Advanced to level 2 Jury Rigging specialism 20-10-23 Advanced to level 1 Field First Aid specialism 21-02-05 Advanced to level 1 Sniper specialism 21-03-19 Advanced to level 2 Sniper specialism 21-07-02 Advanced to level 3 Sniper specialism 21-08-06 Advanced to level 4 Sniper specialism 21-10-08 Advanced to level 5 Sniper specialism 21-10-12 Advanced to level 1 Rapid Reloading specialism 21-11-11 Advanced to level 2 Rapid Reloading specialism 21-12-07 Advanced to level 1 Reload In Motion specialism 21-12-31 Advanced to level 6 Sniper specialism 22-01-13 Advanced to level 1 Machine Guns specialism 22-01-25 Advanced to level 1 Salvager specialism 22-02-16 Advanced to level 1 Rapidshot specialism 22-02-25 Advanced to level 1 Deathracer specialism 22-04-08 Advanced to level 1 Moving Targets specialism 22-04-09 Advanced to level 7 Sniper specialism 22-04-22 Advanced to level 2 Reload In Motion specialism 22-05-23 Advanced to level 1 Eye of the Hurricane specialism 22-05-28 Advanced to level 2 Rapidshot specialism 22-06-10 Advanced to level 8 Sniper specialism 22-07-01 Advanced to level 9 Sniper specialism 22-07-29 Advanced to level 2 Moving Targets specialism 22-08-17 Advanced to level 3 Rapidshot specialism 22-08-26 Advanced to level 3 Jury Rigging specialism 22-08-29 Advanced to level 1 Combat Psychologist specialism 22-09-02 Advanced to level 2 Field First Aid specialism 22-09-10 Advanced to level 10 Sniper specialism 22-10-07 Advanced to level 3 Field First Aid specialism 22-11-05 Advanced to level 11 Sniper specialism 22-11-18 Advanced to level 4 Field First Aid specialism 22-12-10 Advanced to level 4 Jury Rigging specialism 23-01-13 Advanced to level 1 Courage Under Fire specialism 23-02-23 Advanced to level 12 Sniper specialism 23-02-24 Advanced to level 1 Heavy Weapons specialism 23-04-07 Advanced to level 3 Moving Targets specialism 23-05-18 Advanced to level 1 Rocketeer specialism 23-05-26 Advanced to level 4 Rapidshot specialism 23-07-21 Advanced to level 5 Field First Aid specialism 23-10-06 Advanced to level 5 Jury Rigging specialism 23-11-10 Advanced to level 6 Field First Aid specialism 24-04-06 Advanced to level 6 Jury Rigging specialism 24-04-24 Advanced to level 1 Pathfinder specialism 2024-05-25 used first aid to save the life of Mike Marshall 2024-06-01 used first aid to save the life of David Parnell 24-06-13 Advanced to level 2 Combat Psychologist specialism 2024-06-26 used first aid to save the life of David Parnell 24-07-02 Advanced to level 3 Combat Psychologist specialism 24-07-29 Advanced to level 4 Combat Psychologist specialism 24-08-31 Advanced to level 7 Field First Aid specialism